
All That You Should Know About Transgenders


Transgender people can be seen from all walks of life, and according to the HRC Foundation, there are over 2 million transgender people in Europe. It is a family with parents, siblings, and children. They are co-workers, neighbours, and friends of yours. 

They are seven-year-old children and also grandparents in their seventies. They are a varied community that includes people of all races and ethnicities, as well as people of various faith and traditions.

The term “transgender” or Trans generally refers to those who have a gender identity that differs from the gender given to them at birth. Although the term “transgender” and its current definition were coined in the late twentieth century, persons who meet this description have lived in every society from the beginning of time.

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Why some people are termed transgender?

There is no one-size-fits-all reason why some people are called transgender. The multiplicity of transgender experiences and expressions negates the possibility of a single, clear explanation. 

Several experts believe that biological variables like genetic effects and prenatal hormone levels, as well as early experiences and events later in adolescence or maturity, all play a role in the development of such identities.

How does someone identify that they are transgender?

Transgender people can have a range of experiences with their transgender identity and are aware of it at any age. Some people may trace their transgender traits and sentiments back to their childhood.

They may experience vague thoughts of being unfit with those of their allocated sex or specific desires to be someone else. Others get to know of their transgender identities during adolescence or later in life, and begin to experience and explore further gender-nonconforming attitudes and behaviours.

Some people are proud of their transgender identities, while others are ashamed or confused. Those who transition much later in their life may have battled to fit in as their allotted sex, only to find themselves dissatisfied with their lives later on. 

Some transgender people, particularly transsexuals, are extremely unhappy with their sex allocated at birth, physical sex features, or the gender role that is associated with that sex. These people frequently seek often gender-affirming procedures.

What are the difficulties that Tran’s individuals face?

Although Tran’s people are becoming more prominent in popular culture and everyday life, they continue to confront prejudice, stigma, and institutional injustice. Some of the challenges that the Trans community faces are as follows:

  • Lack of legal protection
  • Poverty
  • Stigma, harassment, and discrimination
  • Violence against trans people
  • Lack of healthcare coverage
  • Identity documents

While advocates continue to struggle to address these inequalities, Tran’s people cannot wait for change. Visibility, particularly positive depictions of transgender people within the media and society continues to make a significant impact for them, but visibility alone is insufficient and can pose serious safety hazards, particularly for those who are members of other disadvantaged populations. 

Human Rights Campaign is continuing to promote and advocate for the transgender community so that they also become your neighbours, friends, co-workers, and also family members.